Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some New Art :)

Sorry I've been so busy to update lately! D: Aaanyways... New art! You interested? ;)

This one's actually unfinished... but it was for a series.. it didn't do so well.. I infact got a D on it LOL. But you know what? I learned one HELL of a lesson..

Lady Death
My favorite piece from this past semester. We had to design a monster for a "Monster Deck" that the class made. It did really well... Calef Brown and Scott Nash took particular likings to it which made me feel really great about it. :)

This one is actually old LOL. But I haven't really shown it to many people.. This was also another one Calef Brown liked. He told me to ignore the critique of the senior class (it was when I was a junior) because he thought it was really conceptually interesting. Thanks Calef, a lot! </brag>

I'll have some more in a couple of days.. I'm away from home now so once I'm back I'll post some more pieces. :)

<3 Alex

Happy New Year!